
Sunday, May 22, 2011

What is Wisdom?

The concept of wisdom is deep and yet simplistic. Wisdom is not attaining a vast amount of knowledge {academic understanding, head knowledge} nor is it merely the knowledge of right and wrong. For even the unsaved man can gain knowledge and understand moral conduct.

What then, is wisdom? The Psalmist defines wisdom as this: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” (Psalm 111:10) 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weapon of Praise

Discouragement, worry, fear, doubt, depression, guilt, and oppression often plague many of us -But is it ever God’s will for us to become enslave to our emotions?

We don’t wrestle against flesh and flood but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph 6:12) Yes, we are in a battle with the enemy BUT the ultimate victory has been won. The power of God raised Christ from the dead and victoriously placed all evil under His feet. (Eph 1:19-22) 

Through God’s love and mercy He has given us life through His Son. By grace we are saved through faith and now we are placed in Christ Jesus. (Eph 2:4-6)

The enemy has no hold over us unless we allow him access. If he couldn’t stop us from receiving the gift of eternal life he will do everything he can to enable us from enjoying our inheritance here on earth.

Recently, I have been battling my own war of emotions. My emotions have rudely pushed God out of the driver’s seat and placed “self” in control. Let me tell you, when emotions are driving your life it can be the craziest roller coaster ride ever! (groan) What causes us to switched gears from being God-controlled to becoming emotionally driven? Well, to sum it up in one word…. “SELF”

Pride exalts “Self” above God and then emotions rule the heart.

How did we get to such a state? How have I allowed my emotions to rule my life? It begins with a shift in our thinking. Our focal point is no longer on the God of Truth but the god of this world and the deceit of our own hearts. This condition often begins with an ungrateful spirit. Our eyes drift from God Almighty and on to the trials of this life. Our hearts become so entangled in emotional distress that we loose the awe of His Majesty…we loose the wonder of it all.

In the Bible there is a story of a great battle scene. (2 Chron 20) The enemy was coming and the king of Israel was afraid so he gathered his people together to seek the Lord. He cried out to God for help and this was God’s response,

“Be not afraid nor dismayed by this great multitude; for your battle is not yours, but God’s…ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them: for the Lord will be with you.”

The next day the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army and praise the beauty of God’s holiness.

“Praise the Lord; for His mercy endureth for ever!”

As they sang unto God, the Lord utterly destroyed the enemy. The Israelites never lifted a finger to flight. This battle belonged to the Lord. His people lifted up their voices in praise to His holy name. God had told them to “fear not and to not be dismayed” Almighty God was going to flight this battle on their behalf.

Praise is our mighty weapon against the enemy.

Praise places God back in the driver’s seat of our hearts. It reminds us of how mighty our God is and how feeble we are. Praise brings perspective to life. Things that mattered so much to us seem so insignificant in light of His Glory. The ungrateful heart is silenced and our mind is renewed with the knowledge that God is MORE than enough.

How do we change our attitude, lead our emotions, and live victorious over the enemy? Being filled with the Spirit of God! (Eph 5:18-20) Ask God for a fresh filling of His Spirit and then open your heart in praise to the Father. How do we praise? Praise is lifting up our voice in prayer or song and expressing our admiration for the nature of God. (Who He is!) Thanksgiving is expressing gratitude for the blessings of God. (What He has done!)

Discouragement, worry, fear, doubt, depression, guilt, and oppression that often plague many of us will flee from the spirit of praise. The Christian who praises God will have HIS joy, HIS peace, and HIS love ruling in their heart. Let us turn our gaze upon our God and the things of this world will grow insignificantly small in the light of His awesome majesty and glory.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Surrender: Finding Joy in the Midst of Heartbreak

I hesitate as I write this post...

...It will point to the depths of my soul and make fresh the pain in my heart.

But my life is not my own. It belongs to my Savior and Redeemer. The life I now live, I live IN CHRIST JESUS. This is why I must write, for the Glory of my Father. A year ago I wrote a post about "Being Still". (reading that post will help you to understand this one better) Walking down this uncharted path was a giant leap of faith for me but as I firmly planted my hand in that of my Father's, I trusted His bidding...


You might be wondering what kind of path I have been walking this last year. It was one filled with hopes and dreams. I began to believe that "Mr Right" had finally come. But on March 12th God ended our relationship. It was over and my heart ached with a pain I had never experienced before. The sorrow gripped the very depths of my soul.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

God is More Than Enough

"One thing have I desired of the Lord, That will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord ALL the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and the inquire in His Temple...when you said, "Seek my face." my heart said to you, "Your face, Lord, I will seek."" -Ps 27:4, 8

What has your heart? When you search for significance, acceptance, and love apart from God you are believing the lie that God is NOT enough. Sometimes we can even allow the good things in life to steal from the best thing in life. When we try to fill the empty places of our hearts with _______ (you fill in the blank) we are basically living in the lie that God + ____ = fulfillment.