
Monday, October 24, 2016

Has the Western Church Lost Its Love
For Persecuted Christians?

In a time when violence is on the rise, we are bombarded with news of severe persecution against Christians. Story after story of imprisonment, torture, rape, beatings and beheadings are reported daily. 

The question I must ask is: Is there still a disconnect between the American Christian culture and the persecuted believers overseas?

The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) is on November 2nd. Organizations are working tirelessly to bring unity to our dysfunctional spiritual family but research shows a lack of interest in participating in the IDOP.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Calling Millennials to Stand Firm in a Demoralized Nation

The morals of a nation do not rest on the shoulders of politicians but on those who call themselves followers of Christ.  When moral corruption takes hold of a nation, perhaps we should get our eyes off of the government and run a spiritual checkup on the church.

But maybe we need to take it a step further and start with asking God to evaluate our own hearts?