
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Liena's Prayer: Counting the Cost In Syria

Liena's children counted the cost to follow Jesus
This past week I was struggling with discouragement. I don't believe it is merely coincidental that personal trials become complex when we shift our gaze off of Christ. It's easy to blow things out of proportion and minimize how self-centered our struggles really are.   

I found my wakeup call through the testimony of a woman in Syria. Liena and her family turned down offers of asylum in Western countries after civil war broke out in Syria. They knew the cost that might be required, but they chose to remain as witnesses to their Muslim neighbors and as an encouragement to other Christians.

Liena was a dedicated Christian, faithful wife and mother of two. In her prayers, she asked God to use her to reach more people. And then God asked her to make one more commitment.

Her story begs the question, "What does it truly mean to be a Christian?"

Through this woman's testimony God opened my eyes to see beyond the daily grind of my own selfish struggles and trivial burdens. How do we even begin to understand this type of sacrifice in the culture we live in? Will you pray for me? I am praying for you. Please watch this... 

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