
Thursday, May 30, 2013

When God Calls: The Step of "Yes"

Whenever, wherever, however You want me, I'll go. And I'll begin this very minute. Lord, as I stand up from this place, and as I take my first step forward, will You consider this is a step toward complete obedience to You? I'll call it the step of yes.” -Brother Andrew (God's Smuggler)

The soft voice of an British accent quietly droned on as I packed my bags for Russia. Brother Andrew's story had always intrigued me but now with clothes and accessories scattered all over the floor, I listened to the audiobook with a different perspective.

Here was a man who sacrificed all for the sake of the gospel. He went where God called Him and sacrificed what God asked of him. Selflessness. Utterly and completely surrendered to the Lord's work.

Can I honestly pray Brother Andrew's prayer? "Whenever, wherever, however You want me, I'll go." To pray such a pray requires death to self no matter what the cost. It is to declare that God is worthy of my trust and leaves no room for doubt and fear. This prayer issues my heart to a place of rest in the perfect will of God.

Traveling to Russia will be the third time I've journeyed outside the US in the last 15 months. When God calls, I am learning to take the step of yes and yield my timid heart to His strong and gentle hand. I cannot imagine anything I'd rather be doing right this very minute than loving and serving the young people in Russia. In the words of Brother Andrew, “Lord, if you show me the way, I will follow You". 


Anonymous said...

thank you SO much for this thought-provoking article!! it has made me stop and think, too - am I willing to go anywhere and everywhere for the Lord?!
Praying for you in Russia!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your team in Russia Laurie! May God bless your efforts as you minister in His name this summer. :)

Kate Elizabeth said...

God bless you dear Laurie! Praying for you all as you follow Him in faith going to minister in Russia.
xx Kate

Anonymous said...

Amen that land Russia needs Christ and revival to be saved from doubt and from that not be destoryed and forsake, pray for Russia in blessing over that land for Jesus bloods sake,thanks and bless,keijo sweden